Maxxis MU08 Ceros

Built for Speed.
A favourite of desert racers, the Ceros are built for high speeds over hard packed ground or loose-over-hard conditions. They blend excellent traction and superb stability, to keep you gunning it in a straight line. This is one fast dancer of a tyre that skips over the surface.
Made to Move
The Ceros has been built for fast rides and quick fun. It can turn and burn, accelerating quickly, turning confidently and braking sharp. It’s easy to see why this tyre is favoured by racers.
Straight Speed
The directional, smooth rolling tread pattern of the Ceros is perfect for staying in control. There’s no wandering, just amazing straight line stability that lets you gun it with confidence, knowing you keep going in the direction you want.
Sharp Turns
Nimbe and precise, this is a tyre that reacts as fast as you ride. There’s always those occasions when you need to change course in the blink of an eye. Now you can have a tyre that’ll let you do it.
Oh So Comfortable
That 6-ply rated radial construction absorbs the lumps and bumps. You’ll skip across the surface in a splendid comfort, impervious to all the little jagged and sharp edges underneath the rubber.
Constant Control
The tread pattern of the Ceros has been optimised to deliver predictable braking and aggressive traction in hardpack to intermediate conditions. When you go fast, you need to know you won’t lose grip.
Takes the Punches
Don’t be fooled by the speed and agility of this tyre. It’s no lightweight in the toughness department and will happily take on the rough stuff, ride after ride. It’s one of those tyres that surprises you with its durability.